Title Case String To Upper Case String

What is Title Case?

Title case is a naming convention in which a word or phrase is written without spaces between words and each word is capitalized except for the first word.

What is Upper Case?

Upper case is a naming convention in which a word or phrase is written without spaces between words and each word is capitalized except the first word.

How to convert Title Case String to Upper Case String?

To convert Title Case String to Upper Case String, we need to split the string into words, then convert each word to upper case, then join the words together.


Let's convert the string "Hello World" to Upper Case String.

First, we need to split the string into words.

Hello WorldHello, World

Now, we need to convert each word to upper case.

WordsUpper Case Words
Hello, WorldHELLO, WORLD

Finally, we need to join the words together. In this case, the final Upper Case String is HELLO WORLD. This is the Upper Case String representation of the string "Hello World".

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